So I had a random thought while deciding on how my layout for this Blog.
And Who would have thought, but it was about Facebook and Myspace.
This is my take on Myspace & Facebooks Popularity:
Myspace is like Masturbation--you try it out for the first time. Its like nothing youve ever felt before so you become addicted or just greatly enjoy it. Everyones doing it for their own reasons why not you too?!
The masturbation starts out dull, then slow gets better as you work at it. It gets good, now its great! You hit your climax (We're talking about myspace, get your hand out of your pants!) and it just goes donwnhill from there. It ends in the blink of an eye and youre done.
Then one day you Meet a guy or a Girl and you get a taste of the Real Thing(Facebook)--You never want to go back to masturbation(Myspace) every again!
Funny way of looking at it but it makes sense and made me laugh!!
J'ai Finis...
For some reason I fully understand!......